No cooking

The argument against eating meat is actually pretty good:

The cows you eat have to be fed, and most of their food comes from African (oh god this again... yes this again) farms. There are hardly any rules in those countries so hey - who cares if you leave the soil empty of nutrients and the people with a peasant's salary and no hope for the future? Long story short, they leave the soil completely useless, buy another patch of ground and grow more grains too feed our soon-to-be meat.

This ruins tons of land every year, and recovery takes many more years. There are some groups that act against this, buying land and using farming methods that are actually good for the soil, petitioning for better rules for agriculutre, etcetera.

Anyway, while they do that, we (by "we" I mean all meat-eaters) could try to stop eating meat for two days every week. If we drop the meat from our meal twice a week, it would give the activists more time to negotiate laws and fix soil.

I'm not expert on this and I'm more or less reciting what I've learned months earlier, so please ask if I didn't explain things properly or anything. I also in no way ask anyone to do the same - the whole "stop eating meat for two days" thing would only work if everyone does it, and that's never gonna happen. So if you like the idea, do it out of principle like me. If you don't... well who cares? Eat a burger.

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