No Dysphoria

Well I have: - rly rly rly insanely bad top dysphoria - no bottom dysphoria at all. In fact I am quite positive about that part of myself

So not to project but perhaps thats what non dysphoric people feel. Like sure, if I had a dick and balls I would like him, but I'm also not pressed about my current setup and I just don't see the point in fixing what ain't broke in that regard. Sometimes ai get phantom dick and stuff but the disconnect doesn't distress me at all, therefore it isn't dysphoria.

Like I understand why someone would go to the lengths to get phallo but its not worth it for me personally. My shit dont even work like a vagina, it doesn't menstruate & I have perfectly decent size bottom growth. I guess its kind of like that. People just feel better when they present as guys, but presenting as women is like, OK I guess, but they know what they'd rather do and they even have the space to do it. I think, I dont know, personally I couldn't hack it, but honestly, I'm always happy when someone else can cmavoid suffering.

/r/FTMMen Thread