No firings at Rolling Stone over flawed story, 'A Rape on Campus

There are a myriad of stories of girls being ignored by guys they like, embarrassed later by sex, convinced by friends, etc and make up stories of sexual assault/rape.

Emphasis mine.

Here's the thing I don't get about the concern people have with false accusations after the fact... Maybe it's just that that I'm old enough (in my 30s) that there's really no such thing as being embarrassed later by sex, but I can't really imagine a situation where absolutely nothing sketchy was going on that could possibly devolve later into a false accusation. You have to ask yourself on a philosophical level whether or not somebody is consenting or being pressured into a situation if they so easily change their view after.

This is the kind of thing that only really happens in certain contexts that involve some sort of power imbalance or impairment if everything is otherwise above board and there are no mental health issues at hand. Though one might argue that a very conservative culture which places a degree of shame on women having sex, ironically, may not help.

It is a concern I had when I was in university, I remember all of the urban legends about what might happen if you got unlucky and ended up with a crazy chick. Not that I ever actually knew of such a situation first or second hand. It was always a guy who knew a guy. But as an adult, I can honestly say that there have been exactly zero situations I've found myself in where it was unclear whether there was 100% consent by both parties. Then again, I also have something approaching 0% interest in having sex with a woman who isn't into it -- let's exclude role play for the time being. Furthermore I have an incredibly hard time imagining a 35 year old woman being convinced by her girlfriends to say that she was raped because she slept with me and I wasn't cool... That's implausible enough that it makes me snicker, at least in my life.

So yeah there are plenty of these stories, but perhaps if it's such a prevalent concern it's worth some thought as to whether or not any of the participants are really mature enough to be fully consenting adults in the first place. I don't know where that leaves us since we clearly can't simply ban sex under a certain age, but it's the way I am inclined to see the problem. I don't mean this as a defence of either side, just something that struck me when I read your post and was trying to imagine a situation where this could ever come up in my life. I can say this much: in retrospect I wasn't mature enough to be having sex when I first started. I'm just fortunate that I didn't get myself into any bad situations by sheer luck. I wouldn't change anything, but it's a bit of food for thought.

I never thought I would be on the record advocating against people having sex!

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