i have no idea what caused my bpd

Absolutely not ok to make a child put inedible products in their mouth. Especially for 30mins, such a huge risk for accidental ingestion. That is honestly cruel.

I completely understand where your comment comes from and am not judging or condemning you. My parents washed my mouth out at least once and threatened it a lot.

My husband got the belt and he thinks it's fine because his dad only hit him with the leather and only once or twice with the buckle (he is fine mentally, as far as we know). My mom spanked my sister and I brutally when we were kids. She was absolutely out of control due to her own struggles with undiagnosed and uncontrolled BPD. Interestingly, I came to the opposite conclusion of my husband. I would never punish a child in that way, the way my mom behaved when she was trying to discipline us was abusive.

Sorry this turned into a rant, I was just trying to explain that I definitely understand thinking these things are normal or not abusive.

/r/BPD Thread Parent