No I'm pretty sure it was the church. I need to get off of facebook

Ahhh, yes. Removing Facebook was probably the best thing I did for my mental health.

To be fair though, nearly all my FB friends were LDS, due to me growing up in Orem in the 80s and 90s, FML I just needed a break after that last election and my family situation of super mega ultra believers spouting political BS related to church shit.

I still need that distance, since my family can't seem to NOT bring up the church in normal conversation, and I unfortunately still live in utah county.

Anyhoo, my consolation is my kids are thriving and have found genuine friends mostly out of the church (lol, some of their parents don't know) and a few teen TBMs in the church here. I will happily deal with my mormon baggage alone, if it means my kids are happy and doing their best while enjoying friendships of all religious spectrums around here.

We still have a family rule that there is no religious activities until they are 18. I didn't want to go there, but there's been too many attempts to get around my parental consent, not a good look Mormons.

/r/exmormon Thread Link -