No Man's Sky is so big, the developers built space probes to explore it for them

There are a lot of things that I personally don't like about this game that others would. One of those things is taking about 5 seconds to enter/leave planets. It kind of reminds me of diving into a 9 foot swimming pool, and with a few kicks of the feet your already at the bottom, grab a rock, and swim back up in 3 seconds.

This game would've been more interesting to me if it took 1-2 minutes, maybe even 3 minutes, to enter and leave planets, depending on size. 5-10 minutes, or more to get to the next planet while there are things to do on board the ship; maybe have a snack, take a shower, talk to friends/family/colleagues on board or far way, do some research, read some interesting science fiction facts/information, and other things. Some people are criticizing others that want a little realism, and think that some of us want to take hours to get to a planet, or an hour to enter and leave planets. As nice and realistic as that would be, it will take a toll on our patience, and will be absolutely grueling, but the last thing I want is to enter a planet in one second and then leaving in another, or traveling to different parts of a galaxy in 3 seconds or less. That's pretty damn boring, and I'd lose interest in a week.

Personally, I would love to wait 3-5 minutes to enter an atmosphere, land, do somethings on the planet like collecting rock and microscopic samples (depending on the planet), catalogue this and that for 30 minutes-2 hours, then leave. After leaving, go to some far off space station, again in 5-15 minutes, dock, run diagnostics, chat and walk around the space station, and then leave when diagnostics are finished. After that, warp drive 10-15 minutes to the next planet to continue on other missions, while in the meantime, I'll look into the samples I've collected, uploading them, and sending them to to a distant far off space station and other on board tasks. That would be great and certainly tough to develop. It would feed my need for realism while not sacrificing my patience and having to endure a long time to get in and out and to and from planets and places.

That said, I'm not really too interested in this game. I'd love a much more realistic game, without the whacky looking designs, themes, life forms, ships, technology, colors, planets, etc. It's too Guardians of the Galaxy-y to me and I hate that movie to death. I guess that would mean that I will have to wait a long time for a game that would suit my tastes.

/r/IndieGaming Thread Link -