No matter how hard you've tried to get past it, what is that something that you will never forgive and forget?

My fiance's brother. Just, so many things that man did, I tried to put in the past. He dated a girl I knew for ten years, treated her like absolute shit, gripped her up when he was mad at her, threw her across the room. She stayed with him against my better judgement, that's her mistake to make though. She found him sexting with a minor, so he broke up with her. He started dating another girl, crashed her car while drunk, dumped her to get out of paying for the damages. Threatened to "punch me in the face the way his brother should have months ago". Trashed our house & expected me to pick up after him because I wasn't working at the time, every single day. Consistently tried to make me look bad in front of my fiance, boyfriend at the time. I could literally hear him talking shit on me in my own home. It was really nasty business for a good year. After he finally moved out, he would break into our house in the middle of the day & I'd come home from work to find him watching tv in my living room, he smoke my fiance's stash & eat our food. Finally, he started dating this other girl, & failed to tell her he has herpes. After they'd been dating about a year she was telling me how they had plans to have kids, I stupidly said "Is that safe though? Which his condition?" to which she replied "What condition?" He blames me for that to this very day.

I gave that man chance after chance after chance to be civil at least for my fiance's sake. Over & over I was meant to put it behind me & get over it. Thank god he got out of our lives & my fiance finally had enough of his shit. But after all that was said & done, my fiance's vision of this man finally became clear - & you could see the shattered glass break across his face when he realized what a scummy slimeball his 'hero' was. Followed by immediate heartbreak & depression. That is something I'll never forget, or forgive.

/r/AskReddit Thread