"no matter what you say or what they feel a trans woman is not the same as a real woman." [+47]

I disagree with this and I am a transwoman. If I go out with a guy I let him know early on about my situation. Yes, I have felt internally like a woman since my first memories, but that does not change my physical appearance. I want someone to like me for what is on the inside, but I can't deny them if they don't have attraction to what is there if we get intimate. This makes my dating-life exceptionally difficult, but I live an exceptional life. I don't blame them for not having an attraction towards me, and though it hurts like hell, I don't blame them for their oposition towards me either. To me, it is a lot like the ads and things that say "some people are gay; get over it," well some people are religious and think that I am against their beliefs and I can't change that. My own parents are like that and I love them, but I still have empathy towards them and their beliefs. There are people on Reddit, and in that thread that are full-on bigots and hate-mongers, but I'm not going to deprive them of their right to think that. Maybe I am desensitized after all the hatred and bullying, but I will defend their right to say such remarks. It is in the very same light that they can say their thoughts, no matter the despicable un-enlightened nature, that I can actually be trans in public. There are places in this world that would have me jailed or put to death because of the very nature of my being. I'm sorry, I decided to do a Thursday night wine-off and I feel like I'm rambling and not getting my point across well. Pretty much I just think that they have as much of a right to be disgusted by me and my life as I have a right to be disgusted by them and theirs. Maybe I shouldn't feel this way and maybe I should be more aggressive towards these jerks, but that just isn't me. I want to just be myself, with no gawkers, naysayers, or jerks and live what I deem to be a normal life.

All that being said, I feel like this woman is tricking the guys and it is making extra confrontation towards transgendered people in order to make ratings and money. It is very hard to change someones view on anything and the surprise tactic that this show employs is deplorable. She is beautiful and I doubt she needs a show to get a good man, but they are utilizing the show anyway because ratings. If I looked anything like I her, I am sure I would get more than just "tranny-chasers." All she is doing is bringing an extra hatred towards the trans community by making guys think that we are all out there to just trick them and that they should be paranoid. This probably hurts dating for some women as well, as a guy might think she is just a transwoman playing tricks on him if the girl is into more traditional "guy thing" like sports or videogames. If I am going to direct any hatred here, it is not towards the guys that have their biased, disdain towards transgender people and instead my hatred is towards that shows producers and anyone that had anything to do with it. They treat transgender people as a circus act that are only out there to achieve ratings.

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