No Motivation to Stream

If you look at one of my replies below I explain the "It's a hobby but it's a hobby i'd like to make some spending money from."

Also, as for R6.... I don't know if you've experienced this but the text chat in game people say some REALLY awful things and the automod ban doesn't always work. Or, in some cases, if I talk in the team chat, I get yelled at and called awful things or TK'd immediately. I try not to talk a lot in voice chat because being a girl, it's almost a given I'll get tk'd or harassed, so it doesn't call for the most exciting content if I die.. also, there was one time when a guy in the team chat said something a little bit offensive, and I asked if he couldn't do that because I'm streaming (I asked politely.) and he immediately through out the N word with the hard R so I had to leave. It's just a pain to deal with if I'm not playing with a full group of friends and hide the text channel.

/r/Twitch Thread Parent