No need to be humble, come in and brag.

Not independent, no where near but would love to brag rq.

I'm 17, have a job that pays well (for a 17y/o at least... ~$1600 a month is pretty good) Oh, and I'm amazing with $$$, not your typical teen that spends everything on food but rather save and invest

Doing great in school, could have graduated last year but decided to take advantage of AP classes to ease my path to becoming a doctor in EE. (Also yes I know the value isn't to worth it, but it sounds sooooo cool to have a Ph.D)

My University of choice knows me (like, knows me knows me) and I already know the dean', profs, and the owner of the place... Sooooo I feel secure in that aspect Also, I qualify for 2yr scholarship with another ~2yr thanks to my dad's service

I have a ballin computer that I payed for thag will last me the next decade and can and will do whatever I need it to

I drive a dankass '70s Corvette, car of my dreams, and have plans for a new motor right around the corner, also payed for by me

I have great parents who care for but also connect with me on a whole other level, life in my house is stable and great

I manage to squeeze in gym time despite being very busy all the time

I'm always happy and can't really seem to find any flaw in life, other than not enough time in the day.

I could probably go on, buuuuuuuut no thanks

/r/financialindependence Thread