“No, I do not find Asian men attractive,” said Asian waman in front of whole class and it’s during a class where the professor was highlighting how it’s much harder for Asian men in the dating scene. You know who on suicide watch.

It's more like people that whine about not having a relationship make themselves unattractive. Compare r/short to short people in real life. One of the guys I've known to have the most women was only like 5'6 and on the other hand I've seen awkward 6'6 people who thought dating was impossible. It's the same thing here.

Do you know how much women kpop stars or hell even the average chinese or korean international student can pull even in the US? Even if you dismiss them as rich foreigners you have absolute american born chads looking like Ross Butler running around too.

I think there's a worrying trend that a lot of people face relatively mild pushback from what they want and instead of fighting back they assume society is too against them and put all there hopes in educating society hoping that a random sweeping change will make them have what they want. Unfortunately even if the change did happen they would buckle at the next hurdle. It's the chapo mindset of "oh there's hardships in my life therefore we need to completely uproot society even with violence".

Guys on r/hapas r/braincels or masculinity subs leave the sub and start going out in public and talking to women or at least do something interesting to make more women want you. Your race or height isn't an impossible obstacle because literally all of your ancestors got laid at least once.

/r/Drama Thread Parent Link - youtu.be