No one cares about bullying until the bullied do something drastic.

I can only confirm that. I was bullied for years at my school (Germany) and after three years of reporting it and nothing happening, I just snapped and went apeshit on the last unfortunate guy that decided to bully me.

Only then they took action... which was suspending me for two weeks while the guy that bullied me was given no punishment at all.

Three years of being constantly bullied, Three years of terror that I can still feel today and there have been plenty of times where I stopped by the bridge that I have to cross to reach my school while thinking about just jumping off and ending it.

To be fair the bullying stopped after I basically smashed the guy into a bloody pulp, but the Trauma remained with me until this day and it plays a huge part in the clinical depression that I am still suffering from and the lack of trust in other people.

And for those that say "Why didn't you push back earlier" Well... What exactly is one person supposed to do against a big group of people? And after I did stand up for myself, I ended up being punished, what does that teach the children?

That it's okay to be a bully and that you have no rights to defend yourself?

/r/unpopularopinion Thread