No one noticing 20% weight loss!

Again, people really are not seeing it folks. I can hardly see it. I do understand some people never comment on weight. That is not what mystifies me.

Also, the reason I am succeeding at getting healthier and smaller is because, for the first time, I am not dieting for assimilation and approval, I am changing my health habits for me. I want more energy and less stress on my joints and I am achieving that. I honestly don’t care what “they” think.

Another thing, the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life, I was 185 lbs. At that weight, I played ice hockey, ate a diverse diet mindfully, had an average blood pressure of 100/65, and completely normal cholesterol. My current weight loss goal is whenever I feel as strong as I need to be to be as active as I used to be. I don’t give a shit about a “normal” BMI.

/r/loseit Thread