No one showed. I should have expected that.


My aunt decided throw my uncle a birthday party this past September. Figured, ‘why not invite all of his close friends?’ This event was planned about two weeks before the date. His day comes and (I spent the weekend at his house) his wife and two kids slept in the same bed. They had a room but decided to sleep there, and sleep in until 2PM. The party started at 4:30PM.

They got up at 3 and tidied up. The whole house was decorated a few days in advance, due to his children’s excitement. We cooked Many foods from baked ziti to Jell-O shots. My aunt was working hard, organizing everything and getting last minute supplies.

A little past 5 and people started walking in gradually. The whole house filled. People drinking, laughing, and dancing to music. Reminiscing on what was, with all his best friends from back then. My uncle was having his best time in years.

The house emptied at 11.

My aunt also asked him for a divorce a few days ago.

I’m sorry that this happened. Your wife sounds like a blessing. Keep your head up.

/r/depression Thread