No one would ever directly announce that they hate dogs, because everyone would immediately viscerally know that they are an asshole.

I don’t hate dogs, but I am terrified of them. I was attacked by a dog when I was very young, and you can still see the scars on my face. But no, people get mad if you don’t absolutely worship their dog. I had a guy yell at me and call me a stuck up bitch because his very large dog came running up to me out of nowhere and I panicked and stuck my arms out to push the dog away. Never met the guy, never met the dog, it was a public setting and the dog was off leash. You’re not allowed to dislike dogs for any reason, and god forbid you’re scared of them. How could you be scared of their wittle innocent baby waby when he’s never hurt a fly? You’re a monster for being scared of this strange animal you’ve never met and know nothing about!

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