No RetroArch on Amazon App Store (also, a call to arms for Amazon to start moderating their store)

First of all, slow your roll. You're taking what I said and twisting it. I was going off of what was said in the TwitLonger post. How in the world was I supposed to know that you had such animosity towards Amazon's app store?

You're misequating 'indifference' to 'animosity'. It becomes more than indifference and bordering on 'annoying' when you get your inbox littered by their sales reps on a monthly, sometimes even bi-weekly basis asking you to pretty please, port your APK over to their store, especially when you don't even own yourself even one Amazon device and they even expect you to buy a device from them for the 'honor' of you basically finally giving in to their incessant whining campaign to finally port it over.

What is this honestly? What are you even trying to argue here?

I'm not trying to 'whiteknight' for Amazon at all. I'm just giving them the benefit of the doubt in this situation. I just believe that the way you're going about this is unprofessional and dare I say, even childish.

Unprofessional and childish? Who is the one paying for a license to a Zelda BOTW 0-day piracy app here? Not me, that's who. So which of us two is that exact guy?

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