I have no self control can someone help me?

I've spent many years of my life.... more years than you've been alive, wanting desperately to lose weight. I completely understand what it's like to want that more than anything on an emotional level, but somehow still you end up making the bad choices, because even though you want it so much it hurts, mentally you're somehow not not there yet. I can't explain why or how that's possible, but I can relate to it.

You'll have to figure out a way to get that switch to flip for you. For me, it was the realization that I would literally die soon, but I was in a much worse situation than you are, weight-wise.

A couple of things that have helped me, though:

Don't tell yourself "I shouldn't have that bagel." Instead, it's "I can't eat that bagel." Mentally, you have to remove the bagel as an option. It's not a bad decision waiting to be made, because there is no decision there. It's just simply something you don't eat. Not an option.

Another thing that's really helped me is learning to be more mindful and thoughtful about what I'm eating. This is helpful for both avoiding foods that are off-limits and also making sure I'm not eating too much. "Why am I eating this food?" Is it because I'm still hungry, or just because there's still some food on the plate? Pause before you start eating something and think about why you're eating it and what the consequences of that are.

On the other hand, maybe Keto isn't for you and you'd do better with straight-up CICO, but I assume you've tried that. No matter what way of eating you choose, you'll need to learn to say no.

It's a skill. It takes practice and every time you do it, it gets a little easier.

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