No seriously, LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR. We will go to war if you ban guns. DUMB FUCKING CUNT.

Nah man. I'm an MMA guy, train others for their fitness goals as a side job, and am a student and worked manual labor as a kid, and am planning to go to the military down the road. My father before me used to exterminate communist cell groups and guerrillas and ruthlessly pursue drug cartel members in the old country. Spent a lot of time with him and other US special operations vets shooting.

There are many, many more just the same way, but the left likes to dismiss us all as some kind of out of shape rednecks with no education and IQs of 70 that will get annihalated by cops and military (that they think will be on their side).

It's pure hubris. They underestimate us and it will be their downfall.

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