No skin off my back

I mean, the boring parts of my life is because of my massive and never-ending to-do list. I can't even get through it before I have to start over.

That being said, I don't pick my food because of where it lands on the "boring to interesting" scale. I have hereditary anosmia, so foods all taste pretty much the same. I can taste sweet, salty, bitter, spicy, and sour. That's pretty much it. I can't tell jelly beans apart. Nor can I tell Coke from Pepsi from root beer. And so on.

It's really just the texture of the food that matters. And oatmeal is a gross slop. Hard-boiled eggs are disgusting - the white is so slimy and the yolk is so chalky.

I don't eat the boring foods because I'm not avoiding an interesting life, I'm eating the boring foods because, in world where everything tastes the same, I might as well eat the cheapest foods.

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