[No Spoilers]Casey Hudson on the recent news.

I feel like the post-main-story content that I mostly get out of Dragon Age games is playing them again, just with different characters / class builds / romance options / etc, and that's a lot of added value.

But if "live" means that after we beat the bad guy and save the world again, we get a glimpse of what our character's life is like post-averted-apocalypse and get to keep doing stuff, that'd be awesome. Especially if that means that the companions don't immediately run out of dialogue after one conversation after beating the boss. And a lot of the problem that I (and a lot of other people) had with Inquisition was what all the side missions did to the pacing of what should have otherwise been a tense storyline, so still including that content but having it be explicitly post-finale instead of 'whenever' might be the best of both worlds. I'd love to see my character as a semi-retired hero still doing random merc work or favors for people. I'd love to spend some time in a Thedas which isn't on the brink of disaster. And on the relationship angle, I'd love to see the romance get a chance to have some actual in-game dialogue when they're at the 'established relationship in peacetime' phase of things.

So if they end up doing something where between the final boss and the end-of-lifecycle with the final main DLC, there's a ~2 hour mini DLC explicitly set post-game with a new mission complete with new banter and maybe some updated companion conversations coming out every month or so, I'd be thrilled. And while it might be nice if that was included with the price of admission, I wouldn't say. (And, TBH, I'd be happier paying ~$5 for a random side quest than $25 for a major part of the story, even if the full DLC is actually better in terms of content-per-dollar).

Maybe that's not what Bioware's doing. It probably isn't. But it sounds from that tweet like something like that might be what they're doing, so I'm just going to hope it's something similar. This is the first piece of DA4 "news" that's actually been exciting to me.

/r/dragonage Thread Link - twitter.com