[No Spoilers] Why didn't Fallout 4 get ripped into like Andromeda has?

All of which are things that I have heard of hardly anyone else running in to, let alone in a single playthrough, and I'm sorry, but isolated incidents do not make a game 'messy'. Even if 1% of the playerbase runs in to all of those issues in one playthrough, that's to be expected (for the most part). Sometimes games simply do not work properly on certain setups. That does not make a game 'messy'. None of the ~dozen people I know personally that are playing the game on a variety of systems have run in to any one of those things either.

The ONE problem I had my entire playthrough (twice) is that biotic explosions pushed enemies inside terrain and made them unkillable, something that (roughly) happens in every fucking game in the world. A friend had one quest that didn't progress properly until he reloaded the game - then it worked flawlessly. Another friend had a single T-pose on Xbox when loading in to a new map. The majority of the people who are bitching about this game online haven't actually played it, they just watch their precious meme video makers and jump on the hate train.

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