[No Spoilers] So is the Mass Effect Franchise in Danger of Dying?

I fear that it is. The OT was great of course but the ending to ME3 left a sour taste to many fans. The best thing they could have done was make sure that their follow up to ME3 was a great game, one that would have given the series renewed hype.

What happened was a massive miscalculation. Bioware focused on a new game and Casey Hudson, who directed the original trilogy, left BioWare in 2014.The game's lead writer, senior editor, and other members of its leadership team left BioWare during development as well.

It wasn't a complete failure in that it was not bad enough to immediately kill the franchise, but it definitely didn't live up to the OT and that has left it in a sort of limbo. While they could do DLC's and a sequel to it it seems as if they are putting it on ice. Focusing on yet another Destiny like online game with little story and emphasis on DLC that really should have been part of the main game so they can cash in on it for an extended period of time a new game where there are no expectations, no previous in game decisions to work around and no need to make the game live up to previous installments in the series.

I think while it may not be completely dead, Mass Effect might be left alone for years until people have forgotten about Andromeda.

/r/masseffect Thread