[No Spoilers] Now that things have cooled down a bit...

I totally understand where you're coming from - it's fucked up that they actually moved backwards from Inquisition, ME3, shit, almost all their previous games - but I don't think it benefits us to attack one of the only companies that cares about LGBT representation at all and accuse them of active hatred. Bioware's paving the way (clumsily, often) for open representation of marginalized groups, and almost no other companies are doing what they're doing. Now, to call their gay romance options in ME:A "disappointing" is going light on the matter, and it's clear they tailored the vast majority of the romances to straight males (this includes the lesbian romances, because straight guys tend to like those too). That's fucked, and it's a betrayal of a lot of Bioware's most loyal supporters and customers. Bioware is the company that has historically gone to bat for LGBT players, so it feels like an active insult to be relegated to half-asses romance. But I think civil-but-pointed feedback to the team is more likely to get you what you want than attacking them and accusing them of outright discrimination. They need to up their game, and the way to help make that happen is to make them want to improve, not feel like they're damned if they do, damned if they don't. A well-articulated explanation of one's sense of betrayal and sadness at finding their needs were an afterthought persuades more reliably than an assault on someone's moral fiber. Just my thoughts, as I'm very interested in seeing Bioware return to proper form as well.

I hope I'm not being an asshole here. I might accidentally be being an asshole. Apologies if that's how this came across, as I didn't intend it that way.

The entirety of Andromeda - writing, gameplay, romances - is a half-baked, shallow mess. I guess it's not surprising that they didn't really consider the romances properly if they couldn't even be arsed to give asari different faces or get krogan voices to sound right. It's a shame all around. :(

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