No title needed really

What i meant was that many people in multiplayer games, especially when playing with close friends, use very bad words, such as racial slurs, of course depends on who u are, what i meant is that he might be using it privately sometimes with friends when he gets mad, that doesnt mean hes a racist, i of course dont know if he is, he for sure could be, but i find my explaination way more reasonable, especially for a swede, as in my opinon swedes can use extreme words with friends. Me and my close friends for example tell each other things that would be considered extreme threats if u were to say it to someone irl, im not defending what he said, it was wrong obviously, i was just saying that i personaly believe there is a larger chance that his intention with the word was not racist, but out of rage, as he is indeed a swede, and a gamer, and what more toxic combination is there?

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