No unions plus surveillance on your route.

I am speculating because I don’t understand. And when I don’t understand something surely it’s natural reaction to be suspicious, but I prefer the term skeptical.

I think you also skewered what I wrote. Unions serve the seniority of the work. If a young chap like myself has experience, and can do it better, I am not likely to get hired even with my education and experience. My grandfather works for the postal service, and he favors the union, but it doesn’t work for the youngers like myself according to him, since he takes the overtime and it’s not given to those new hires (who don’t become eligible until after a year)

I hope Amazon succeeds in forming a union, but now I have doubts I can get hired even if I can move boxes quicker simply because rules got established.

If being skeptical sounds like I am anti-union, you are mistaken as that is not my intent.

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