No make up and saggy tits roast me lol

Here is a story - there once was a girl, she had low self esteem and could only perk herself up a bit by posting pictures of herself on the internet. Whenever an individual told she was attractive she'd giggle with glee.

However one day, it no longer boosted her confidence as it always had and she became sad. So she decided to seek out other woman fishing for validation on the internet. But, this was not to join forces. Oh no, this was to insult them. Make them feel bad about themselves. With each click of the mouse she would find another woman, whose naked body would fill her with vile poisonous envy. "Ew, your nipples make me cringe" comment after comment would spew out. Tapping at her keyboard with such force her fingers would ache.

One fateful day, she would post her last attention seeking post. Hoping for validation but instead receiving a barrage of insults, others delved deeper in to her past and uncovered her desperate self loathing. She tried to hide from it, deleting comment after comment but it was to no avail. It was this day, she decided she was worth more than this. She finally understood she gained nothing from insulting other women, posting pictures of herself in the hopes of one person telling her she was hot. Finally, she realised her self worth and lived a wonderful and fulfilling life.

/r/RoastMe Thread Link -