"No, we'll be good". Narrator voice: "They weren't"

UK here, it's now 8:30pm. I've been following cnn, fox, reuters france 24 and bbc news most of the working day [ it was slow and I only browsed] and I noticed a cnn article that was about Trump saying 'America first; all the vaccines will go to Americans before they get shipped abroad'. the brexit, the world of covid [basically America is super fucked right now, most of the rest of us are at around average fucked] then later another article about how the Trump administration turned down an offer by Pfizer months ago for a futher 100 million doses in the first quarter of 2021. They said no.

The LeopardsAteMyFace irony warmed me like a spicy tomato soup

/r/LeopardsAteMyFace Thread Link - i.imgur.com