I have no words

I have a friend with a ridiculous amount of tattooing, and she has specifically had the swastika done--I believe more than once. She did it to reclaim the significance of the swastika as a spiritual symbol existing in countless cultures throughout history.

It's actually quite badass to have a swastika tattooed on you for that reason. She's willingly opening herself up for some serious criticism, because of the misinterpretations that this will cause. But overall the swastika isn't such a bad tattoo, especially when you consider that there are hundreds of forms of swastikas. You can opt for one that has physical attributes dissimilar to those of the Nazi swastika.


But if you get a swastika tattooed, your probably one of two polar opposites: 1) an incredibly open minded person with strong spiritual beliefs, or 2) someone who sympathises or agrees with Nazi beliefs. It's not a tattoo for the faint-hearted

/r/trashy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it