I have no words.

This doesn't remove the fact that women can and absolutely do use the knowledge that men will appreciate these photos as a smokescreen for exerting the same type of control over men, except it's not blatant. I personally think that type of manipulation is more pervasive than being upfront about it. I'm a woman, yet it disgusts me to see females play one side of the field, than swing to the other, and then get ::gasp:: ANGRY that they've elicited such an awful response from a dirty male. When you behave immaturely, you can expect immature responses, and to attract immature potential partners. That being said ice received unwanted attention but have since learned how to 1. Reduce the probability of this happening by conscientious behavior and 2. Draw a hard line of no tolerance for it.

/r/niceguys Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it