No, your child is an a$$hole

So, a couple weeks ago I had my best friend visit me from out of state with her 15 month old. Holy hell, he is a terror! My DD is 10 months old. He never played with her, only walked over to her to repeatedly smack her in the face. Allllll week. He also would constantly throw toys at her and throw toys (and by toys I mean his iPad) at my dogs as well (10 lb dachshunds). I had to play goalie all week. She kept saying "oh, he's such a boy" and "my little football player". Uhm, no. You have to tell him no! She said she's tried to tell him no but he just laughs. Husband and I figured out what it was. When my daughter does something I disapprove of, like pinching while eating for example, I say no in a firm voice and move her hand, and she stops. Any other time I'm speaking with my daughter it's in a calm and loving tone. However, my friend always talks to her son with a stern or irritated voice. So he doesn't know the difference. I don't think I saw him ever "play" with toys. Not once. He just likes to destroy things. He also apparently threw away several of my daughters toys before he left (I had watched him throw random things into the garbage, so I'm assuming that while she was not watching him, which was often, that he was throwing things away). Needless to say, I was pretty shocked with her overall parenting while she was here. My mother in law always says "you never really know a person until you live with them." Even if for just a short while. Poor kid, it's not really his fault. Definitely mostly falls on the parent at that point. I mean, this is the same parent who feeds him corn dogs EVERY SINGLE DAY for lunch, never gives him water because "he only likes fruit juice", and lets him snack on cookies and potato chips all day (because that's what mommy eats).

/r/beyondthebump Thread