NOAA Rip Current Survival Guide

Is there a source video? Gif is a terrible format for this. There is too much text and it is important to visually focus on the images. Here is the text anyway:

Rip currents are narrow currents in the surf zone that move quickly away from shore. A typical rip current ranges from 50 to 100 feet wide and can extend 100 yards or more offshore. It can reach speeds of over 5 miles per hour. That makes them dangerous and potentially deadly, and scientists want to learn more about them so we can better forecast when and where they will form.

Rip currents often form where sandbars are near the shore. They occur at breaks or channels in the bar. Waves don't have to be huge - 2 or 3 feet are all it takes and weather doesn't have to be bad; they often occur in the nice days after a storm.

They're usually strongest near low tide, but can form at any time. They're often difficult to see but you can spot them in areas where waves aren't breaking, or where there's foam, seaweed, or discolored water being pulled offshore.

By knowing the dangers and what to look for, you can avoid being caught in the grip of the rip.

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