Non Americans, what American thing do you not understand?

I'm a current high school junior in a rather large city. For most of the schools in my area, there aren't any rooms for students to sit, though there are schools that have cafeterias. My school is made up of individual blocks for for different subjects, but is mostly an exception, as our school was meant to be a community college before it was changed into a high school. I've noticed other schools that are mostly indoors, mostly due to the fear of outsiders coming in. Movies are definitely not a great representation, and in my city's case, are not true at all. We have a lot of grassy areas, which where students can go hang out and eat. We don't have any noticeable cliques as students all sort of mesh into one another. I've heard that other schools in rural areas do, but that's not the case for my region. That's not to say, of course, that there aren't cliques. There are the band kids, the popular kids, and groups mostly devoted to one subject, but everybody from each different group also spends a lot of time together. It's not like in the movies where one group is given precedence over the other. It's just a blend. Cheerleaders are a thing, but they really aren't as big as you'd think. They're usually composed of smart, geeky girls and guys who are often really nice and spirited. Nothing like the mean, self-obsessed chicks on screens. Nobody really gives a damn about high school football teams. I think that's more common in rural areas, where there is basically nothing else to watch for entertainment. College football I'm not that familiar with. (Since I don't watch sports) There are those who are super passionate about it, but none from what I've observed in my classmates. The older guys, though, no doubt. They're really into it.

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