Non-autistic people of Reddit, what do you find most confusing about people with autism?

I guess I get a bit confused at how Autistic adults want to speak and advocate for everyone with Autism, but also acknowledge how it is a spectrum and no two cases are the same. I love the passion and of course have a lot of respect for what they say and their experiences - but I also find it hard to understand how they can project their (often negative sadly) childhood experiences which happened, say 20/30 years ago and think that kids today have it the same.

Thankfully for the young people I currently know there is SO much more knowledge and understanding out there today, and we should just surround them with love and celebrate their individuality. I’m so sorry many adults didn’t get that kind of support when they were young, but it is definitely confusing to me how 30 years ago can be compared to now - well, here in Australia anyways.

/r/AskReddit Thread