Non-human Non-binary character?

You're a fucking moron. You really think that the craft of writing is so simple and straightforward that technique and effect never ever ever deserve a more thoughtful look, and all writers should immediately settle on the simplest, most comfortable answer that requires the least amount of introspection?

If you don't want to read my text, don't read my text. I don't know why you're in a writer's forum pretending that a handful of paragraphs is a "wall of text." Have you ever heard of books? Believe it or not, I've only composed short pieces of writing here. I'm sorry you're so hung up on pretending to be too stupid to take my valid points into consideration that it's lead you to publicly pretend that you think a handful of paragraphs are "walls of text."

If you had it your way, every book would be composed of two simple short sentences, I get it. Some writers hold themselves to higher standards and actually want to take the craft of writing into consideration. Sure, some stories are just a series of events that fill out a rambling narrative. But some stories utilize literary devices, technique, themes, tone, verbiage... there's actually a lot of possible considerations to take into account when writing. I am genuinely sorry that you are so hung up on pretending to be too stupid to understand this and that you favor "defensively arguing that I am always 100% right and anybody who ever challenges me is always 100% wrong" over appearing to have a baseline adult intelligence that is capable of taking unfamiliar or challenging perspectives into consideration in order to fairly and accurately assess their validity.

The fact that you went into a writer's forum and complained about somebody (a) composing a handful of paragraphs; and (b) exploring the considerations of different writing techniques and literary devices is just hilarious. You sound like a complete and utter jackass. I don't care if I'm being passive aggressive. At least I know what I'm talking about. At least my assertions have rational justification behind them. At least I'm not just defensively shouting that I'm right and anybody who challenges me is wrong.

If you think I'm wrong, present an argument. You haven't presented a counter-argument. You've just asserted that I am incorrect. When I wanted to make the assertion that you were incorrect, I presented a counter argument. I know this may be an intimidating course of action for you to consider, because counter arguments aren't so simple as just asserting in one single sentence that things are the way you say they are and nobody should ever think about the how or why. Unfortunately, when you present a counter argument, you have to actually attempt to demonstrate that what you are saying is true through example and syllogism, not just simply assert that it's true and expect everybody to agree with you by virtue of "I'm me and I'm always right and everybody should always agree with me and anybody who doesn't is just wrong."

Stop pretending to be too stupid to understand these things. You're smarter than that, and you're not doing yourself any favors by pretending you're not.

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