Non muslim/Atheists here, how do you feel about this sub being extremely islamist and homophobic?

Secular people usually support the way religious people live their lives, but religious people usually impose their beliefs on everybody the moment they're the majority. They don't want to share, they want things to be the way they want them to be. It's always them them them and their beliefs. They do NOT care about your modern values, equality, any sort of objective mechanism regarding moral values and justice. They want to dictate everyone's life based on a book from 7th century and its commentary, and want this to stay the same no matter the time and place. There's no room for discussion in their presence, since they believe in dogmas. I'll be honest, I've been exposed to that kind of people so much, that I might have developed a superiority complex. Whenever I see such a person, I immediately think they're stupid life forms who are unable to think critically. They obviously don't have to be that way but it's just what comes to my mind regardless.

/r/AskMiddleEast Thread