"non prostate owner"... you mean a woman?

This is a diagram of the female reproductive system. It doesn’t need to relate to the specifics of this article.

Who says it does not have to relate to the specifics of the article? There's a lot more female anatomy than what's on the anatomy picture from that article, you know that right?

Every anatomy picture unless it has labelled every single possible item, has had to exclude some items from being labelled or drawn, in order to make that anatomy image relevant to the written text accompanying it. Teen vogue isn't the first to do this. Even medical textbooks do this. There's separate sagittal sections of the female reproductive tract you use when you are focusing on the ligaments, then separate ones when you are looking at bloody supply etc.

Every picture of the female anatomy is going to leave some stuff out.

This picture is specifically with reference to anal sex of which the clitoris is irrelevant so it makes sense to leave it out, for the same reason it makes sense to leave out Bartholin's gland. Both are completely irrelevant.

How does knowing where the bladder, the vagina or the intestines relate to anal sex? It doesn’t. Also you said that this article references the clitoris, so even if it isn’t about the clitoris, it’s only more of a reason for it to be there.

Are you not reading what I'm writing? I've already explained this

Here it is simple:

  1. Women have 3 holes down there.
  2. Anal sex uses a different hole than vaginal sex.
  3. That is why they want to show the anatomy of the opening of the three holes and what the holes lead to.
  4. One hole leads to the rectum and intestines - this is for anal sex
  5. One hole leads to the vagina and uterus - this is for vaginal sex
  6. One hole leads to the urethra and bladder - don't use this for sex

Also you said that this article references the clitoris, so even if it isn’t about the clitoris, it’s only more of a reason for it to be there.

You said leaving it out is making a statement. If they were making a statement by purposely leaving out the clitoris in the diagram WHY ON EARTH would they include an entire paragraph to it in the actual article talking about how the clitoris is most pleasurable center during sex for a woman, why would this magazine have 10 times more articles about the clitoris than anal sex. Clearly you didn't read the article before commenting, which is fine but when someone points out you're wrong, you don't just double down on your mistake.

The point is they were clearly NOT making a statement by excluding the clitoris on the diagram. They just left it out because it's not relevant to the bulk of the article.

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