*noob* Blade Master skill tree help needed

Like /u/TarkoRehin said, I'd definitely wait until at least level 30 to pvp. (I'm higher than 30 but I skilled down the points for lvl 30) But when you get there, this is what my tree looks like.

http://puu.sh/mPyFU/24db175433.png http://puu.sh/mPzRs/b39b470c77.png http://puu.sh/mPzTb/f27c4d5619.png http://puu.sh/mPzUf/1522e11f06.png http://puu.sh/mPzWo/377b80178c.png http://puu.sh/mPzXE/babc19c7a7.png http://puu.sh/mPA16/fbaa513cd6.png http://puu.sh/mPA16/fbaa513cd6.png (now that I think of it, getting that last skill on crash is very good against other mobile enemies)

It's probably (because idek what I'm doing) not great or efficient but it does decently well in pvp. (I'm currently 2-0. Not that impressive but at least it means that that skill set is winnable with.)

Some combos are:

This is the main combo that gets out a good chunk of health. (When opponent is dazed, either with Shoulder Charge, C, or with a stunning block, 1) 1. Take Flight -> Rising Eagle -> Ascend or Crash -> Divebomb (With my hotkeys that's, C/Block Stun - F - LMB - LMB or RMB - F)

This is when you're really close and need to stall for your other CDs. 2. Anklebiter -> While they're down, use some skills to increase dps. This is a good time to activate your Flock of Blades and use those skills that come with it -> Divebomb (3 - ~Some Skills here~ - F)

Gap close. 3. Soaring Falcon -> Rush (to gap close) -> Blindside -> Five Point Strike (Z - 2 - Q/E - 3)

A big thing as Blade Master is the blocking. I feel like you can negate a lot of damage and (if you skill the right stuff) you can stun your enemy to stall longer for your CDs.

This link might come in handy in visualizing some combos: http://bns.gameguyz.com/strategies/class-guide/blade--soul-level-1---24-blade-master-combos-gameplay.html

THIS IS BY NO MEANS RIGHT OR WRONG. IF ANYONE ELSE KNOWS BETTER PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I was unable to find guides online so I'm forced to make my own shitty one ):

/r/bladeandsoul Thread