As a noob, is there a reason why are all of these overpowered cards are green? (credit to sac_for_days for the image)

Couple of things: first one of those cards is colorless and one of them is 4 colors (i.e. 80% chance it has green). Second, 2 of those cards are powerful but not broken and don't see much constructed play (azusa and kinnan). Side note: kinnan is VERY powerful in certain formats, and is overall a poorly designed card. Weak in a small card pool, broken in a larger one, very little inbetween. Third lotus cobra has been around for years and has nothing to do with modern play design. He was perfectly acceptable his first stint in standard. Also gilded goose seems to have gotten lost and shown up in this picture.

Those other three cards are emblematic of everything wrong with green recently, as are several cards not on the list that aren't inherently broken and don't see tons of constructed play but do way too much. Green being grossly overtuned, however, is the least of design problems lately. A color can be dominant and a format fun (cough vintage cube cough) but the way the games play out are extremely samey and rampy and doing BIG THINGS. But it turns out if the 1812 overture were just cannons it wouldn't being exciting it would just be loud and annoying.

And that's how I'd describe magic cards these days: LOUD. Have you ever read questing beast? Or elder gargaroth? Omnath? Uro? They do 20 things and none of them are interesting: life gain, card draw, ramp on big butts all at the same time (except QBs damage can't be prevented, that does lead to some interesting places to incude him, but we can still agree it's just more shouting).

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