Is It Normal To Be Crying After Being Rejected By Your Husband Alot?

So i have a similar issue. However, it turns out my husband has a pornogrophy addiction. When he just brings up conversation about it as. Acheck in, I create the safe space. But recently we had an issue where he said things would happen that noghr and then later "changed his mind" which happens. I understand that. I wasn't mad that he changed his mind. I was hurt and sad that I got that type of rejection after getting my hopes up and after recently finding all the pirn on his.phine he had been hiding while also claiming to just "not be feeling that way very often" I was crushed. So I cried. He said because I reacted in that way, even tho I expressed that I wasn't mad at him, just hurt, I did not create a safe space for him. There is way kore to my story, and I definitely made some mistakes along the way, but at some point, u should b allowed yo have ur emotions too. If ur husband really loves u, he will eventually understand and give u the grace to have those emotions on occasion.

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