Is this normal for a husband?

The first trimester is the absolute worst but I still worked full time and did things around the house. Every woman is different granted, but theres no reason why she cant do some simple chores and then in 2nd trimester when the energy comes back absolutely she should be doing stuff!

I am a lazy sod at times so I did get a cleaner to do a deep clean the other day, but I tidy every day, do a load of washing every day, sort our dog out, as well as work 13 hour shifts 4 times a week. I do have to try and take it easier though coz I have an irritable uterus

Women have been doing this for a very long time and we shouldn't become incapable of basic day to day stuff unless theres complications that render us unable to. Its actually good to be moving around and being as independent as possible.

/r/BabyBumps Thread