Northwest Mansion Mystery AKA The Worst GF Episode.

I know everyone loves Northwest Mansion Mystery. I don't and here's why

The Mabel sub plot was weak and old.

Oh no! Consistent characters using their actions they're pone to in unique ways within different situations!? This romance plot had completely different dynamics, what with all three of them being there, deciding it's out of their league, Grenda's flirting style, etc. And you can't just shout about it being "weak" because you don't like it- a weak plot doesn't make sense, has holes that make the story obsolete, etc.

Candy and Grenda were extremely annoying.

This would be a valid criticism if you actually gave a reason instead of just saying that they're dumb because you don't like them.

Not enough development for the Dipper Pacifica romance.

It literally STARTED in this episode. You don't go anywhere with a long-time character relation the episode you make it. It's called gradual development, and it's useful for anyone who doesn't look through the glasses of "WHATEVER THE FANDOM IS TALKING ABOUT IS COOL AND I WANT IT NOW ALEX!!!!!11!"

Barely and Dipper and Mabel interaction (not that it has to be a sibling bonding episode).

If you want to try to make a critical analysis, at least have coherent grammar. Also, episodes like the Deep End and Boyz Crazy also had less interaction (with BC barely having any at all) because they're focused on Mabel's crush.

A rushed, out of place, unnecessary cliffhanger ending that didn't fit in with the rest of the episode.

The entire show (or at least S2) has been making small advances in the overall plot each episode. Since after this one is the bombshell that's NWHS, it's appropriate to at least set it up. Also, IDK how it's out of place- the townsfolk being let in leads to Mcgucket finding Dipper, and the agents have been there the whole party.

Dipper trying to save Mabel from the ghost, but then goes to find Pacifica without checking if she (his twin/best friend) was okay first.

Because to save everybody including Mabel, he has to find Pacifica. Also, it's pretty clear as soon as he walks in that everybody's dead. Watch the episode again.

This is a just my thoughts on the episode. What do you think?

I think that if you want to provide criticism provide valid criticism. Listen, I hate the "downvote and berate any unpopular anti-'OMG THIS SHOW IS SO AWESOME!!!11!!' opinion" circlejerk this place has going on as much as the next guy (and this is coming from someone who likes S1 more than S2) but try to think out what you don't like about the episode instead of just calling everything stupid and walking away.

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