Norway can keep current budget even if the Oilprice hits 0 dollars per barrel.

means NATO cannot legally start the accession process.

MIssion accomplished. As this equals NATO won't take you. The sole purpose of NATOs existence is to be a force against then the USSR and now Russia. NATO is bankrolled and controlled by the US and we know what they do with people they don't like. Would Russia want NATO in Crimea right next to their Black Sea Fleet? Would America like a Russian base in Cuba?

except having part of the country's territory invaded by foreign troops.

Can we be honest here for a second? So the phrase "hybrid war" works with pro-ukrainians. What is hybrid war? In this case its providing military advice and equipment, humanitarian aid, supplies and manpower to a local population that is being killed by a force that came to power through a violent revolution. This part of the country just doesn't support those people. The opposition block won the elections in almost all southeastern regions.

If what Russia wanted was to kill Ukrainians for some reason as they claim they'd do it just as well as killing ISIS. You'd see satellite pictures of russian troops that invaded like this but in Donbass. They do jump in with a quick rescue then its looking bad for the rebels, but I covered that earlier. * Russia says that Ukraine won't be able to overpower the rebellion in the east. Because going there and shelling everyone isn't going to work and it's not an option. And because Russia is bigger and stronger it will make sure it doesn't happen, UAF won't be able to use guns to solve their problem. Sorry."

This part of the country just doesn't support the Maidan people, partly because of this.The opposition block won the elections in almost all southeastern regions.

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