Norway Police fired just two shots last year - Norwegian police fired just two shots in the entire of 2014, neither of which killed or injured anyone, according to statistics published last month.

Input interpretation

Norway  |  United States


 | Norway | United States
full name | Kingdom of Norway | United States of America
full native names | Kongeriket Norge  |  Kongeriket Noreg | 
alternate names |  | America  |  US  |  USA  |  U.S.  |  U.S.A.
internet code | .no | .us





Geographic properties

 | Norway | United States
total area | 323802 km^2  (square kilometers)  (world rank: 68th) | 9.631×10^6 km^2  (square kilometers)  (world rank: 3rd)
land area | 304282 km^2  (square kilometers)  (world rank: 69th) | 9.162 million km^2  (square kilometers)  (world rank: 3rd)
continent | Europe | North America


 | Norway | United States
population | 5.02 million people  (world rank: 118th)  (2014) | 322 million people  (world rank: 3rd)  (2014)
population density | 16.5 people/km^2  (world rank: 205th)  (2015) | 35.2 people/km^2  (world rank: 179th)  (2015)
population growth | 0.635 %/yr  (world rank: 151st)  (2013) | 0.969 %/yr  (world rank: 132nd)  (2013)
life expectancy | 81.5 years  (world rank: 15th)  (2013) | 78.9 years  (world rank: 51st)  (2013)
median age | 39.4 years  (world rank: 34th)  (2009) | 36.7 years  (world rank: 56th)  (2009)

Cultural properties

 | Norway | United States
languages | Bokmål Norwegian  (100%)  |  Nynorsk Norwegian  (100%)  |  North Saami  (0.32%)  |  Romani Tavringer  (0.13%)  |  Finnish Kven  (0.11%)  |  ... | English  (81%)  |  Spanish  (11%)  |  Mandarin  (0.53%)  |  Tagalog  (0.48%)  |  German  (0.46%)  |  ...
ethnic mix | Norwegian  (94.4%)  |  other European  (3.6%)  |  other  (2%) | white  (79.96%)  |  Hispanic  (15.1%)  |  black  (12.85%)  |  Asian  (4.43%)  |  mixed  (1.61%)  |  ...
religions | Christianity  (95%)  |  Islam  (1.9%)  |  Buddhism  (0.56%) | Christianity  (84%)  |  Judaism  (1.9%)  |  Islam  (1.6%)  |  Buddhism  (0.91%)  |  ethnic religions  (0.39%)  |  ...
literacy rate | 100%  (2010) | 99%  (2003)

Capital cities

Norway | Oslo
United States | Washington, District of Columbia

Economic properties

 | Norway | United States
GDP | $512.6 billion per year  (world rank: 26th)  (2013) | $16.77 trillion per year  (world rank: 1st)  (2013)
GDP at parity | $327.2 billion per year  (world rank: 49th)  (2013) | $16.77 trillion per year  (world rank: 1st)  (2013)
real GDP | $331.4 billion per year  (world rank: 25th)  (2013) | $14.45 trillion per year  (world rank: 1st)  (2013)
GDP per capita | $100898 per year per person  (world rank: 4th)  (2013) | $53042 per year per person  (world rank: 16th)  (2013)
GDP real growth | +0.6467% per year  (world rank: 180th)  (2013) | +2.221% per year  (world rank: 142nd)  (2013)
Gini index | 0.268  (world rank: 8th)  (2010) | 0.411  (world rank: 98th)  (2010)
consumer price inflation | +2.03% per year  (world rank: 104th)  (2014) | +1.62% per year  (world rank: 115th)  (2014)


 | Norway | United States
unemployment rate | 3.5%  (world rank: 177th highest)  (2013) | 7.4%  (world rank: 95th highest)  (2013)
long-term unemployment rate | 0.259%  (world rank: 88th highest)  (2012) | 2.4%  (world rank: 54th highest)  (2012)
labor force | 2.682 million people  (53.48% of population)  (world rank: 111th)  (2013) | 159 million people  (50.91% of population)  (world rank: 3rd)  (2013)

Business information

 | Norway | United States
total business tax rate | 40.7% of profit  (world rank: 80th)  (2014) | 43.8% of profit  (world rank: 64th)  (2014)
new businesses registered | 25870 per year  (13.62% of total businesses)  (world rank: 34th)  (2012) | 676830 per year  (13.13% of total businesses)  (world rank: 1st)  (2005)

Media and telecommunications

 | Norway | United States
internet usage | 4.829 million people  (95.05% of population)  (world rank: 63rd)  (2013) | 266.2 million people  (84.2% of population)  (world rank: 2nd)  (2013)
mobile cellular subscriptions | 5.863 million  (world rank: 108th)  (2013) | 305.7 million  (world rank: 4th)  (2013)


 | Norway | United States
vehicles in use | 2.8 million vehicles  (546 vehicles per thousand people)  (2005) | 254.4 million vehicles  (824.2 vehicles per thousand people)  (2007)
total road length | 92900 km  (kilometers)  (2005) | 6.5 million km  (kilometers)  (2007)


 | Norway | United States
public education spending | 6.553% of GDP  (world rank: 36th)  (2011) | 5.226% of GDP  (world rank: 68th)  (2011)
students | 1.09 million people  (22.01% of population)  (world rank: 105th)  (2011) | 69.66 million people  (22.36% of population)  (world rank: 3rd)  (2011)
teachers | 55685 people  (world rank: 106th)  (1973) | 3.336 million people  (world rank: 3rd)  (2012)

Health care

 | Norway | United States
health spending | $4749 per person per year  (US dollars per year per person)  (purchasing power parity adjusted)  (2007) | $7274 per person per year  (US dollars per year per person)  (2007)
physicians per capita | 3.75 people per 1000 people | 2.59 people per 1000 people
hospital beds | 4.1 per 1000 people  (2006) | 3.2 per 1000 people  (2005)

UN Human Development Index

 | Norway | United States
health | 0.964  (world rank: 13th) | 0.923  (world rank: 38th)
education | 0.985  (world rank: 2nd) | 0.939  (world rank: 5th)
living standards | 0.883  (world rank: 7th) | 0.869  (world rank: 10th)
total | 0.943  (world rank: 1st) | 0.91  (world rank: 3rd)
(2011 estimate)

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