Not alone, just lonely

There is always a future that can be happy. You have a happy person inside of you that is suppressed by the negative feelings caused by the negative elements in your life. Depression creates an illusion that things won't get better. Depression makes you criticize yourself for everything even if that thing is untrue. It sounds like if you can guide yourself to the right direction in life, by all means the right people, jobs, passion, hobbies, activities, mind state, values, interests, etc that are in tune with the happy person inside you, and activates that person, more and more, you can find yourself being happier than ever. That right there is a reason to not kill yourself. Hope and faith, even at times when it seems like there is absolutely no other way around this mental catastrophe, even if you don't feel like having any hope or faith because things are so awful in your head... hope and faith in the happy person within you is reason enough to keep on living and just play your cards. What you can't do is keep on numbingly laying down and sitting on the way things are right now. Gotta make a change. It's hard to make a change when depression is active, I've been there. What helped clear my mind was exercise, forcing myself to do cardio, and medication. but that wasn't the cure to the unhappiness, the cure was to take steps in building confidence in yourself, in grasping onto what brings passion to your life, eventually facing big fears, overcoming fears you never thought you'd overcome, and... I'm far from finished. Very far. but this is the first step to getting out of the world of shit you're in. Say NO to suicide as an option, keep saying no, no matter how hard things are, and find the tools to help you build strength to take steps towards happiness. I believe in you. You can do this. Start thinking about what makes you sad, and follow that train of thought, and identify those negative elements. Write them down on your notepad, phone, whatever... and organize a plan to start tackling down these problems, one by one. and you have no idea how easy it is to be happy from then and on, when you're in tune with the happy consciousness that's suppressed and inactivated inside of you. You must activate it.

Start thinking the other way around, shift your conscious in an other direction, and if you have enough strength, face that direction, and I promise you, if you can take steps towards that direction full of positive changes and happiness, that is definitely difficult and uncomfortable in the beginning, the more breakthrough life/psychological/physical/etc changes you make... I promise you that you will be happy and never again think of suicide. Life is tough, but it can also be unimaginably beautiful. and yes, it is worth it. Living happy is better than being dead. It's time to thrive towards happiness.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread