Not an X fan no more.

Idk what Eminem had to do with this, but Eminem hid behind his persona, Slim Shady, and his personas schtick is being vulgar and edgy as fuck. It's very satirical. Marilyn Manson is also edgy as fuck, and has huge anger problems, but he didnt abuse the innocent(him and his bandmates used to scuffle often from what I've heard, not a gigantic Manson fan so idk how accurate). Trent Reznor is another edgy dude that had major anger/emotional problems, but he beat up innocent instruments, not people.

All of these artists used their negative emotions in a positive light to make good art for everyone to enjoy and interpret. All these artists are pretty damn edgy too, but I feel that they used their edginess to deter away close minded people that weren't the target audience anyway. X is just the epitome of edgy, both in his music and his actions IRL, and I feel his emotions aren't 100% genuine in his lyrics, especially after reading this article. It kinda just seems like he's trying to pander to his audience and get them on his side by relating to their feelings. I think X would be able to make really good music if he were able to channel these emotions to their fullest extent, like Trent or Eminem, but X clearly has no control over his emotions and his ego. It just seems like he tries to attract young, emotionally confused teenagers to recruit to his own insane cult so he can manipulate them emotionally for the rest of his career

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