Not being able to breast feed is rare

I tried..for 3 months I tried so hard with my son…I took classes, i pumped, and pumped and PUMPED(with my hand, manual pump AND electric) I used the C-cup and chapped my damn nips just to get him to latch, but I just wasn’t producing. I did vitamins, the right diet, all of what the docs told me..there were some days he just couldn’t get anything out and was starving and I was forced to get formula.

I still blame it on the 10mg norcos they prescribed me after my cesarean(emergency-to prevent dry breech birth)

My daughter though? VBAC, girl took it like a natural and she breastfed for the whole first year, I was even pumping extra for my son..they are a little less than 2 years apart, he was on a sippy cup, had tried her bottle once and refused to drink white milk after he ONLY wanted “the baby milk” LMAO.

I swear I produced so much milk with her I could’ve been a wet nurse

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