Do not complain at Bethel

In other words. "Let our minions abuse you, your family, your finances, your future, your health and your life. And after we have extracted and taken everything you have, forgive us freely for it".

Governing Body. We know who and what you all are. We know what you do in the hospitals. We know what is in your secret files because it was done to us and our families. We want access to our families NOW. If the last 3 years have not shown you that we mean business. If your imminent bankruptcy is not enough of a sign that we are serious about getting access to our families. If what the Governments are cooking and preparing to serve up to you isn't enough of a sign that things are going to get much worse for you. Give us access to our families. Cease and desist from coerced suicide martyring in the hospitals. Cease and desist from your attacks on nuclear families. If all of this is not enough to motivate you all to move toward compassion, then you should prepare for Precision Psycho-Spiritual Warfare on a level you haven't dreamed of. We are dead fucking serious about getting access to our families. I have a feeling you know who this is and what I'm talking about. Tick-Tock Boys.

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