Not Dem or Republican

" We need to get over being shocked about the Kanyes and Candace Owen's the non voters, "

I get your sentiment of not voting, but you lost me when you said this. Kanye and Owens don't give a damn about black people, so I don't know why you use them as examples for black people needing to get over their shock with them, especially when people like them have done very shitty things. Kanye is getting his ass chewed out by non-black people for his idiocracy again. So, black people aren't the only people who get shocked when Kanye does something stupid. Owens is legit a paid token for right-wing supremacists because she affirms a lot of racist shit they say. I have seen far too many white people recommend and defend Owen's racist rhetoric about black people. If your base is mainly white right-wingers, then I don't take you seriously. Non-voters are a lot more complex, so you cant put them in the same category as the other two dumbasses. Independent voters, when they vote, tend to vote D down the ballot. For people in my state, every vote counts. And, to not vote also sounds very privileged unless you live in a deep blue state. The right to vote is one of our powerful tools that black people have fought to fight for centuries should not be taken for granted.

I worked at an organization about getting nonvoters to vote, so I am pretty knowledgeable about their fears and frustration with our current state of democracy and our election. One of the things I noticed about non-voters is how they are not aware of down ballot races, so they don't turn out to vote in numbers that are needed to help bring the change they like to see in their neighborhood. Of course, there are various reasons for that. But, what does it say if we have a good amount of people who aren't aware of other local races?

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