THIS IS NOT A DRILL. NYT and WaPo Chinese Click Fraud EVIDENCE - #1. Do I have to spell everything out for you 'pedes? IT'S REAL. Tens of Millions in Fraudulent Charges To Advertisers. DIG!

Pedes. Keep on your toes.

It is a fact that CTR, JTRIG, ShariaBlows do sneaky shit such as...

...ask innocent questions of so fundamental a nature that to fully explain may require a number of pedes spending quite some time before the innocent fundamental ignorance is seen to be not so innocent and anything but fundamental.

We saw a LOT of this in August and September as Besta Pizza developed into Ping Pong and went everywhere.

Including the attempt to smear Assange via Todd and Clare. Member Pedes? Member that is how we stumbled upon Goat Hill Pizza, just following breadcrumbs and as usual there seems to be sexual degenerates wherever we go. How odd.

Sorry I digressed.

The point I am failing to make is this:

by asking questions that show innocent fundamental ignorance across multiple threads, by multiple shills, pedes are suckered into long long explanations littered with follow-up questions that ALWAYS involve laying a counter-narrative and sowing distrust and attacking morale.

I used to deport the fuck out of them under the term "DEMORALIZERS".

We used to have a cast-iron rule on this DOM. The no dissent rule. Yep. NO DISSENT.

These people are tricky. The no dissent rule extended to examinations of posters pleading ignorance because MANY used that as a vehicle to undermine the sub through getting us to waste time and resources, AND it gave them a platform to spread their cancerous sophistry.

Basically, they are trolls. NO COATS. THROW THEM OUT!

Good luck lads!

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -