Do not enter the "Progressive Muslim" discord !

Look, I didn't share that for no reason, it's about this concept of justification is the basis for leading people astray. If you read the first few sentences again, it's about the concept of justification and varying levels of faith.

Even I still listen to music because some of it is nostalgic from when I used to listen to it when younger, other times it's out of weakness, but I try my best, and I don't try justifying it, because a sin is a sin, you can not change the religion to fit your wants and desires. You either control your nafs, or your nafs controls you.

Music influenced you and desensitized you to curse words, a prime example of how its been harmful to you, words convey meaning and are very heavy. There are hadiths and quran verses about Ill speech.

By halal means of interacting with women I meant in classrooms or uni, or workplace, or masjid social events, there are halal ways to interact, not that dating hookup nonsense, and they don't have to be found your parents it could be though.

/r/islam Thread Parent